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Opinion Why Production Tax Credit Is Important

Opinion Why Production Tax Credit Is Important

Environmentalists and wind energy boosters breathed a sigh of relief this past January when Congress voted to reinstate the Production Tax Credit (PTC), a federal tax incentive for companies that…

Earth Day Theme 2013

Organizers from Earth Day Network (EDN), the non-profit group dedicated to diversifying and mobilizing the environmental movement through planning and coordinating Earth Day activities and events around the world, have…

Opinion Close The US Tax Gap With FairTax

Time magazine reported this week that the estimated tax gap - the amount of money the IRS fails to collect due to misfiling or tax cheaters - is an…

Norm’s Tasting Notes 2011 Maso Canali Pinot Grigio

Norm’s Tasting Notes 2011 Maso Canali Pinot Grigio

The 2011 Maso Canali Pinot Grigio is another in a long line of good vintages from Maso Canali. It comes from Trentino, Italy, and helps set the standard for what…

Georgia Behavioral Health And Delopmental Disabilities Public Forum On April 11th

The Department of Behavioral Health & Delopmental Disabilities, Region One Planning Board will hold a public forum on Thursday, April 11, 2014, from 2 p.m. to 4:00 P.M. at the…

Norm’s Tasting Notes 2012 Santa Julia Organic Malbec

Norm’s Tasting Notes 2012 Santa Julia Organic Malbec

There has been a lot about Argentina in the news of late, but there is nothing new about how good the wines from Gaucho Land are. The world has…

The Nankipooh Enquirer “Done Throwed a Shoe”

I might have told ya'll before that Thursday was always horse shoe pitchin day at the Biggers Grocery down there in Nankipooh, and I was thinkin the other day about…

Norm’s Tasting Notes 2009 Villa Antinori Toscana

Norm’s Tasting Notes 2009 Villa Antinori Toscana

Dating back past 1385 when the house of Antinori joined the Italian wine makers guild, the Antinori family has helped define the history, as well as the wines of Tuscany...…

Dawson County Couple Arrested For Arson

Dawson County Couple Arrested For Arson

Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner Ralph Hudgens announced today that two arrests have been made in connection with an arson fire at a home in Dawson County...…

Dahlonega Family Finds Comfort after Loss in Supporting Other Grieving Parents at Northside Hospital

Dahlonega Family Finds Comfort after Loss in Supporting Other Grieving Parents at Northside Hospital

A local family recently presented Northside Hospital with a generous donation to the Hospital’s H.E.A.R.T. Strings Perinatal Palliative Care Program for families that have received a life-limiting diagnosis for their…

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