--By Staff Writer on --
The Dawson County Roads & Bridges Department will begin the paving project for War Hill Park Road Tuesday, September 4, 2012. Work will consist of shoulder repairs, milling of existing asphalt, and installation of new asphalt and striping from SR 53 E to War Hill Park. While all the work is anticipated to be completed in one month, Dawson County Road crews will be working diligently to ensure construction is performed expeditiously and delays kept to a minimum. During this period of time, please drive cautiously as portions of War Hill Park Road will be closed to two-way traffic from time to time and heavy equipment will be working on returning War Hill Park Road to a finished condition. If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your County Engineer, Corey Gutherie, or Public Works Director, David Headley at 706-344-3501. We appreciate your patience during this process.
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